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Revealed: Celebrity Joint Health Expert Shares The Secret Pro-Athletes And Hollywood A-Listers Use To Heal Knee Pain In Record Time… Plus How You Can Too!

If you struggle with knee pain, swelling, and stiffness read this short article before you do anything else.

by Dr. James Barkley


Hi, my name is Dr James Barkley and I’m a joint and bone health expert from Chicago

You’ve probably never heard of me… but I know for sure you’d know some of the clients I’ve been working with over the past 25 years…

You see… Whenever top professional athletes or Hollywood superstars get injured on set I’m the guy they call…

And that's because I understand 2 things:

  • How to alleviate joint pain and heal injuries… FAST

  • Surgery is not an option - Recovery time from invasive surgery is long, and for these high-profile individuals that long recovery time could potentially cost millions of dollars…

Without their speedy recovery, teams could lose an entire season if the wrong player is injured and a blockbuster movie could be put on hold for months if one of the leading actors is sidelined with an injury…

So when disaster strikes they call me in…

98% Of Doctors Do NOT Understand Knee Pain…

If you suffer from crippling knee pain, swelling, and lack of mobility I urge you to keep reading this short article… because I will be revealing a simple solution thousands of my clients are using to alleviate knee pain and restore mobility in record time…

And you'll be getting this life-changing information for FREE!

Here’s the deal, you hear the same crap repeated by doctors across the country…

“It’s just a natural part of aging” or “Knee replacement surgery is your only option”

If that were true everyone over the age of 50 would be limping or relying on a walker to get around…

But that’s just not the case…

What’s worse is they try to mask the symptoms by throwing NSAIDs and harmful painkillers at you…

Giving you just enough relief to struggle through the day…

Masking symptoms instead of treating the underlying issue that’s causing the symptoms leaves you stuck in this relentless cycle of popping pain pills to get through the day…

Meanwhile, your knees are rapidly deteriorating day after day because you are not addressing the real problem…

The Real Root Cause of Knee Pain (Important To Know...)

What you're experiencing is likely something called “joint blockage”

Let me explain what that means…

Your knees need movement to stay healthy.

Movement is like a pump that stimulates blood flow to your joints.

This blood flow is crucial because it delivers all the nutrients your knees need to repair and maintain themselves.

There’s one problem though...

As we age, we tend to move less and less…

And to make it even worse…

Our knees naturally already have limited blood flow.

So when we move less, we're cutting off the lifeline our knees need to stay healthy…

And it causes all sorts of problems for your knees...

First off, with less blood flow, your knee joints aren't getting the nutrients they need.

It's like trying to grow a garden without water and sunlight.

Your knees can't repair themselves or stay healthy without those essential nutrients.

Then there's the cartilage - you know, that cushiony stuff between your bones?

Well, with less blood flow and movement, it starts to thin out…

And when that cartilage thins, you end up with bone rubbing against bone.

But that's not all…

Your knees also need something called synovial fluid.

It's like oil for your joints - it keeps everything moving smoothly.

When you don't move enough, your body produces less of this fluid.

So now you've got dry, creaky joints on top of everything else.

All of this together...

…the lack of nutrients, thinning cartilage, and reduced synovial fluid…

That's what's causing your knee pain.

It's a brutal cycle…

Your knees need movement to heal…

But moving becomes too painful when you're suffering.

So you move less… which makes your knees worse… which makes you move even less… you get the picture.

So… What’s The Solution?

You need to alleviate the pressure from the joints and rapidly promote blood flow to the painful area...

And release the stiff muscle tissue surrounding the joints.

But how do you do that if you’ve got bad range of movement and moving is too painful?

Everyone will give you contradicting advice… Some will tell you that you need to stretch, while others will tell you to take it easy, rest, and maybe sell you some expensive supplements.

But let’s be honest… If that worked, you wouldn’t be reading this article in the first place.

Furthermore, when your knees are throbbing with pain, going through intense stretching or exercise sessions is unfortunately out of the question.

That’s why most people never really solve this problem and are stuck with chronic knee pain their entire lives.

Luckily, there’s a better solution.

Alleviate Knee Pain At Home In Just 15 Minutes (Without Strenuous Exercise)

It’s all possible thanks to an innovative treatment called "NeuroMuscular Stimulation" or NMES for short

This breakthrough therapy delivers electrical impulses to the muscles surrounding your knee, causing them to contract.

This contraction actually mimics the effects of movement without you having to move a muscle!

All you have to do is relax on your couch (or anywhere else you'd like) for just 15 minutes a day and let the technology do the work for you!

Here’s how these electrical impulses work to alleviate pain and increase mobility

It Activates And Strengthens Muscles Around The Knee:

The electrical impulses delivered to the muscles surrounding your knee causes them to contract as if you were going through a light workout

This strengthens the muscles around your knee that are usually switched off due to lack of movement.

Increased strength reduces load on the knee joint making you more stable on your feet and alleviating pain.

It Also Increases Blood Flow Through The Knee Joint:

The repeated muscle contractions stimulated by RejuvaKnee act like a pump enhancing blood flow through your knee joint.

This reduces inflammation and delivers essential nutrients for tissue repair, allowing your knees to heal from the inside out.

And Finally, It Restores Your Range Of Motion And Mobility:

RejuvaKnee promotes muscle flexibility and joint mobility by simulating movements that your knee might not be capable of due to pain or stiffness.

This is the most important factor because by mimicking movement all the muscles around your knee joint loosen up and you will regain almost complete mobility

Now, this works great when you use just 1 NeuroMuscular Stimulator

But when you use multiple at once?

They work together to amplify the effects by up to 376% and give your knees all the benefits of movement, without you having to move an inch!

The only problem was that this technology wasn’t available to an average Joe. 

It was very expensive and usually only accessible for the Hollywood A-listers and sports stars that I worked with…

So I partnered up with a U.S. biotech startup called RejuvaKnee.

These guys are known for making some of the best pain relief devices that have helped more than 300,000 men and women across America.

And together, we solved this problem once and for all.

Introducing RejuvaKnee's NeuroMuscular Stimulator

The RejuvaKnee NeuroMuscular Stimulator is one of the first devices that uses The NMES technology to provide complete relief for knee pain, bone-on-bone arthritis, and knee discomfort.

If your daily knee pain is preventing you from living the life you deserve...

The RejuvaKnee NeuroMuscular Stimulator could be the answer for you!

It's easy to fit into your busy schedule and you can use it from the comfort of your home...

With the RejuvaKnee NMES device, you'll give your knees EXACTLY what they need with complete relief no matter what size your legs are or how badly damaged your cartilage is

So you can finally say goodbye to your unbearable daily knee pain and start living your life again.

Just imagine… 

❌ No more struggling to walk without pain.

❌ No more shame because your knees look swollen and stiff.

❌ No more pain and discomfort that keeps you trapped in your own body.

That's all possible with The RejuvaKnee NeuroMuscular Stimulator.

And the best part?

It only takes 15 minutes per day to notice a difference...

All you need to do is attach the sticky pads above or below your knee, hit the "on" button

And sit back and relax for 15 minutes while it works its magic...

Get 50% Off RejuvaKnee Today!

This Device Has Helped Thousands Of People Relieve Knee Pain and Arthritis

If you check out RejuvaKnee's Website, you will find THOUSANDS of reviews from people who were able to put an end to their suffering with this device.

My life took a 180 after RejuvaKnee - my doctor recommended it to avoid surgery. I wish she’d given it to me years ago, I even got rid of my walker. My wife is amazed.”

~ Earl Horne, Verified Customer

“Before RejuvaKnee, I couldn’t even drive or stand in place for 10 minutes. Now I’m working out every morning! It's given me my life back.

~ Mario Agosti, Verified Customer

“RejuvaKnee is way cheaper than any I’ve tried in the past. My doctor was considering knee surgery for me, but now she says I’ve restabilized my joints and I don’t need it!”

~ Janine Lewis, Verified Customer

How Can You Get Your Hands on the RejuvaKnee “Triple Method” Massager?

…And what’s the price?

Well, the first question is a tricky one…

Because it takes us a lot of time and money to build this device…

In order to produce the same quality device that the Hollywood A-listers and Athletes had access to but at a price that anyone could afford… We have to source the parts from all over the world…

We then have to perform countless tests to clear every device to make sure that every RejuvaKnee we ship out is the highest quality on the market…

Our team is working around the clock to create enough NeuroMuscular Stimulators for everyone in need…

But I hate to admit that we are currently failing at that.

The demand is just too high…

Folks who have tested the RejuvaKnee's NeuroMuscualr Stimulators and experienced relief are now asking us for more devices for their families and friends

Not to mention the thousands of athletes I work with every year…

They were thrilled when I told them about the device that I created and I see orders from many of them rolling in on a daily basis…

All of this makes our stock run out quickly every time we get a new shipment.

Now if you are reading this article, it means we probably have a few massagers left in stock, otherwise, we would have taken this page down.

But unfortunately, we can not guarantee for how much longer.

Check Discounts & Availability

They Could Sell Out Tomorrow… Or Maybe Even Today

And once that happens...

Once we do run out of stock...

It could take us anywhere from a couple of weeks to a couple of months to get back in stock because these devices take quite a long time to build.

So if you are serious about reducing knee pain and arthritis...

I strongly recommend you DO NOT leave this page...

Because this may be your only chance to get the RejuvaKnee "Triple Method" Massager and experience the relief you've been praying for.

RejuvaKnee’s NeuroMuscular Stimulator Is NOT Available Anywhere Else Except on Our Official Website

You won’t find it in retail stores. You won’t find it on Amazon or eBay.

If you see something similar, that’s just a cheap knockoff.

The only place you can buy the real, authentic RejuvaKnee NMES device is our official website.

Check Discounts & Availability

So… How Much Is It?

At RejuvaKnee we are committed to making long-term pain relief affordable and accessible for anyone who needs it.

We’ve worked hard to offer this breakthrough technology at a competitive price, without markups as we know how expensive other solutions are such as surgery, weekly physiotherapy sessions, and the constant cost of pain meds.

Our goal is to eliminate all of those costs and instead, you just need a one-time payment for RejuvaKnee which usually retails at $64.99 however there is a massive sale until midnight where you can get RejuvaKnee for as low as $19.99 when you select the biggest bundle.

Check Discounts & Availability

90-Day Results or Refund Guarantee!

That means if you're not completely satisfied with this product - for any reason - simply return it within 90 days for a full refund, no questions asked.

Can you think of any other knee pain solution that offers you this level of protection?

Your satisfaction is their top priority - and to prove it, you can try RejuvaKnee without risking a single penny.

That's what their "No-Risk Guarantee" is all about

It's more than just a promise - it's their personal commitment to your healing and well-being.

I want you to feel confident about trying RejuvaKnee, not just for its innovative technology, but because you know that your investment is fully protected.

So, order now and experience the life-changing benefits of this revolutionary device!

A Special Offer for Our Readers:

Claim Your RejuvaKnee Now and SAVE 50% OFF UNTIL

Take advantage of our discount link by clicking below!

Get 50% Off RejuvaKnee Today!

Here’s What to Do Next

If there's stock left, you should seen a big green "APPLY DISCOUNT & CHECK AVAILABILITY" button.

Click that big green "APPLY DISCOUNT & CHECK AVAILABILITY" button below.

Check Discounts & Availability

It's going to take you straight to RejuvaKnee's official website

If there's stock left, you will get a special one-time deal reserved for readers of this article...

If there's no stock left, you will be asked for your email address so you can be sent a reminder once the product is back in stock

Next, all you need to do is click the button that says "GET 50% OFF TODAY" and your discount code will automatically be applied.

From there, you'll go straight to the checkout page where you just enter your name, address, and payment information.

...and select your favorite package...

For Maximum Results, I Suggest That You Choose Their Most Popular, Buy 3 Get 3 FREE Option

You have 2 knees... And chances are both of them are stiff and painful...

So you want to ensure equal support for both of them.

But even if you're thinking

"I only struggle with one knee"

It's simply not true.

And even if your other knee doesn't feel stiff and achy...

Once you start using RejuvaKnee on one knee it will dramatically improve in mobility...

This means that one of your knees will have a greater range of motion than the other one, which leads to a build-up of stress and pressure on the other knee potentially causing overuse injuries, muscle imbalances, or joint issues.

The good news is you can get an even bigger discount on the biggest bundles - so not only will you be saving your knees - you will also be saving $$$

Claim Your RejuvaKnee Now and Save 50% Off Until

50% discount on this product - only during the launch phase through this link

Take advantage of our discount link by clicking below!

Check Discounts & Availability

As of 07/03/24: Ever since RejuvaKnee was released earlier this year, an incredible amount of buzz has been generated. Due to its popularity and positive reviews, the company is so confident in their product that they are offering a limited time discount up to 50% while stock lasts.