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How My Father Avoided A Second Knee Replacement Surgery With 3 Simple Steps…

Don't Be Fooled Into Thinking Knee Surgery is the only way to restore healthy knees and regain independence!

 by Sam Ovens

“I just can’t go through it again son…”

My father is the strongest man I know…

So seeing him so defeated was not something I was used to…

11 months back, he had to endure a TKR (total knee replacement), and there's only one way to describe the recovery: absolute torture...

From managing the excruciating pain to the grueling physiotherapy sessions…

Despite it all, my father didn't show his suffering, although we all knew it was there...

Decades of hard labor to support our family had gradually worn down his knee joints, resulting in severe stage 4 osteoarthritis...

A Gut-Wrenching Setback...

Six painfully long months finally passed...

But finally… the post-op swelling and discomfort was over…

…I had my dad back (or so I thought)...

Even in his 70s, he's more active than most individuals in their 30s...

This man is always on the go…

He is either playing with his grandkids, out golfing, or fixing something around the house…

Honestly, I don’t know how he still has the energy…

Which made the call I received from my mum even more devastating...

She informed me my dad had taken a fall...

Her voice trembling, she asked me to come over immediately...

The Looming Threat of Another Knee Surgery…

Upon arrival, I found my dad slouched in his living room chair...

The defeat in his eyes was something I'd never seen before...

…It was the look of someone who had given up…

“I just can’t go through it again son…”

He had silently battled through the last surgery only to have his independence ripped away from him once again just 5 months after recovering…

I was at a loss for words...

He had done everything he could to prevent the first surgery…

Painkillers, cortisone shots, grueling physiotherapy sessions, he had even tried strict diets that promised to help…

…His cabinets were cluttered with knee sleeves and other support devices, all highly rated, but in the end, they provided little comfort...

Looking him in the eyes, I assured him, "I'm going to figure this out, Dad."

He didn’t seem too confident in my promise, and to be honest I don’t blame him…

What I discovered next would change everything...

Once home, I turned to Google for an in-depth look at osteoarthritis and potential non-surgical solutions...

I looked through every forum and Amazon listing but still, there was nothing there that my dad had not previously tried…

Tired and frustrated, I posted on Facebook, hoping that my friends might offer some unknown advice...

The next morning, I checked the post for responses...

Most comments offered the same conventional advice I'd already found on Google...

But there was a message from an old friend I went to university with...

He was now a sports scientist and worked for The Boston Celtics…

In his message, he explained why conventional methods failed - they didn't address the root cause...

He suggested an at-home solution used by not just the team, but players on nearly every team in the NBA...

He said it could not only ease my dad's pain but also potentially reverses some of the damage...

RejuvaKnee, as he called it, uses something called the "triple method" to address the root cause of knee pain - aiding in healing the knee, rather than just managing the pain...

What Is RejuvaKnee & How Does It Work?

Although my friend knew his stuff, I was still doubtful...

You know the saying, if something sounds too good to be true, it usually is!

I asked him if he could send me a little more information about it…

A while later I received an email from him, and as soon as I read it a lightbulb went off in my head…

It made so much sense now…

He said knee pain is just a symptom of a deeper problem…

And instead of trying to solve the pain - RejuvaKnee solves the problem…

No problem = No pain

He referred to it as the "triple method" because it adopts a three-step approach…

Step One - Dynamic Compression

Inflammation in the joints can cause swelling… 

Compression can help control this swelling by applying pressure to the area, which helps remove excess fluid and reduce inflammation...

Compression also provides added support to the weakened joint, this helps to alleviate pain, as a more stable joint can mean less movement in ways that might cause discomfort…

Step Two - Soothing Heat Therapy

Heat causes Vasodilation (blood vessels expanding), which increases the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the knee joint…

Among these nutrients are the building blocks your body needs to produce collagen...

Collagen makes up 85% of your knee's cartilage… So, Increasing collagen production helps to reverse the damage to the cartilage in your knees… 

In addition to bringing more nutrients, the increased blood flow also helps remove waste products from tissues, including damaged collagen or other cellular debris…

Helping to create an environment that supports healing… 

In short, the joint gets all it needs to function better - to be more flexible, less painful, and start to repair the damage caused by osteoarthritis…

Step Three - Therapeutic Massage

Massage therapy relaxes tight muscles and helps to increase range of motion allowing more movement with less pain…

More movement also means more blood flow to the joint again, aiding in the transportation of oxygen and nutrients needed to help repair…

It All Sounds Great, But Does It Really Work?

As I mentioned earlier, I had my doubts…

It all seemed perfect in theory, but would it really work?

I decided to give it a shot, went to the RejuvaKnee website, and placed an order…

My order arrived three days later, and after wrapping up my work for the day, I headed over to my parents' house…

My dad, appearing even more down than before, argued he'd tried knee braces before and they didn't help…

I explained what set RejuvaKnee apart and asked him to humor me by giving it a shot…

The unboxing experience was something like opening a new iPhone…

Everything was high quality and well-designed…

Following the user manual, within 3 minutes, we had RejuvaKnee at work on my dad's knee…

At first, there was no noticeable change, and my hopes started to fade…

But around the 11-minute mark, a subtle shift appeared on my dad's face…

He began to laugh, and for the first time in a while, a look of hope returned to his face…

By the end of the 30 minutes - My dad was able to stand up by himself, walk around the house and he was in minimal pain (Sounds like a miracle I know…)

3 Weeks Using RejuvaKnee...

The following three weeks were transformative for my dad…

Day 1:

The morning after using RejuvaKnee, my dad woke up feeling as if his knee had reverted to its previous state…

But we understood it's not possible to undo years of damage in 30 minutes…

He underwent a 15-minute session with RejuvaKnee the following morning, and once again, there was a noticeable reduction in stiffness, increased mobility, and the relief he needed to move around on his own…

Day 3:

3 days in and it seemed that RejuvaKnee was going to be great for managing pain but if my dad went without using it - the pain would come back…

Even if this is all RejuvaKnee did that would have been worth the tiny amount of money it costs…

Day 7:

My dad seemed back to himself, finally!

He was able to drive again, reclaiming his independence...

Whether it was grocery shopping, doing chores around the house, or enjoying his hobbies, he could get back to doing the things that made him who he is...

Of course, he still experienced some knee pain when he didn't use RejuvaKnee, but it was nowhere near as intense as before...

And 15-30 minutes with RejuvaKnee seemed to alleviate it...

Day 14:

By this time, my dad discovered that he didn't need to sit down to use RejuvaKnee and started wearing it while going about his daily activities...

With every passing day, he seemed to be improving...

He was sleeping soundly through the night again since his knees no longer disturbed him, and the overall mood in the house was so much brighter!

Day 21:

A visit to our family doctor confirmed that my dad wouldn't need another surgery!

The doctor was utterly astonished by the improvement in my dad's knee...

From observing the mobility and health of the joint, he said it was like his knee had turned back the clock by five years...

Bear in mind, just three weeks ago, my dad could barely get up from his chair without assistance!

He'd basically gone from excruciating knee pain, declining mobility, and the looming threat of another knee surgery...

To being able to walk up to 10 miles some days...

He's even planning a golf outing at the end of next month!

Final Thoughts?

If you or a loved one is experiencing anything like my dad did, I understand your struggle...

Believe me when I say that most doctors and physiotherapists don't have the solution...

Had we known about RejuvaKnee before my dad's first surgery, perhaps we could have avoided it altogether!

So, if you've tried everything else and you're still unable to find relief...

Try RejuvaKnee, It transformed my dads life and I am sure it will do the same for you too!

Life Is Too Short to Live in Pain!

Try RejuvaKnee and Make the First Step Towards Your New, Pain-Free Life Today

UPDATE: RejuvaKnee reached out to us after they read the story about my father and have offered us a special discount - First 200 Customers Get Up To 50% off!

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    Heather Johnson

    This is an amazing product. I bought this as a gift for my husband who works on his feet all day. He has grade 4 OA in his right knee and everyday would be in agony. Since using this in the mornings he is like a new man! He is pretty much free from knee pain and has so much more energy.

    Reply 12 2 hours ago
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    Stephanie Miller

    It works, I had tried knee sleeves but the always ended up rolling down and didn't really provide any relief. I was depending on tramadol for when the pain got too much (usually when the weather got cold) Now I just strap this on for 30 minutes before bed and I sleep through the night. If my knees feel stiff or achy in the morning a quick 10 minutes with RejuvaKnee and they feel brand new again!

    Reply 13 3 hours ago
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    Marcy Goodman

    Just ordered!

    Reply 5 a day ago
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    June Henderson

    I ordered this for my partner, just arrived I will keep everyone updated on if it works for him!

    Reply 18 a day ago
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    Rachel Watson

    I can vouch too! I inherited bad knees and recently had been going through more frequent flare ups - I saw an ad on Facebook for this and said what have I got to lose? So happy I did I used this for 3 days straight and haven't had any flare ups since (almost 3 weeks now)

    Reply 20 a day ago
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    Toni Gabriel

    I already had 1 knee replacement and after the experience I never want to go through that again. unfortunately my knees had other plans... I got an xray and it showed my other knee was bone on bone too. Before putting myself through that hell again I did some research and came across RejuvaKnee. After a single use my pain was nothing but a light sting and the movement has gone from 30% to arounf 80%!

    Reply 51 a day ago
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    Gabbi Mitchell

    Ordered 3 days ago!

    Reply 2 a day ago
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